What to Do If You Use Too Much Detergent in the Dishwasher

July 2, 2020
Dishwasher Repair

The more dishes you wedge into your dish racks, the dirtier those dishes are, the more soap they need to get clean, right? Wrong. Your dishwasher is designed to use a set amount of detergent specifically formulated for the appliance. When you use more, you create problems.

There are two things that can happen when you use more detergent than your dishwasher was designed to handle. First is that the detergent won’t fully dissolve in the water. This will make the wash water grainy. This will make the detergent more likely to leave a residue on the appliance and the dishes. It can also manifest clogs throughout the appliance. The second potential issue is the detergent will dissolve, but will form too many suds. Not only can this cause residue issues as well, but it is possible that those suds can leak out of the appliance during the cycle.

If you used too much detergent by accident and have either of these problems, they can be easily rectified by running another wash. You will not want to add new detergent or remove the dishes. Instead, fill the detergent dispenser with white vinegar. This will help dissolve the suds and excess soap. By keeping the dishes inside, you also get the added benefit of getting them rinsed off as well. The white vinegar may even leave them less water spotted than usual.

The same remedy can be used if other detergents not meant for your dishwasher are used. A common example is liquid dish soap that you would use in your sink. This creates more suds than a dishwasher can handle. Even too much residue on the dishes you load the dishwasher with can have a negative effect. However, white vinegar will cut right through them so you can continue to use your appliance.


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